Monday, July 8, 2013

Evil Mirrors

"If you look in the mirror and don't like what you see, you can find out first hand what it's like to be me."

~You may not like what you see in the mirror, but that's never an excuse to stop trying, because there will always be someone out there who will see you...and think that you are the most perfect and beautiful person that they have ever seen. They'll never want to change any part of you and they'll love everything about you. Just keep trying and have hope :) Stay Strong xx

Thursday, July 4, 2013


So I've been sort of a night owl lately if anyone has noticed, so that gives me a lot of time to think about probably the most depressing things you can imagine. So anywhore, you just gotta remember that if you truly want therapy (like I did) then get it. You might say that people will think you're weird or crazy, but who says they have to know, or that you even have to tell them. Because guess what, you don't. it can be your little secret. So remember there's always hope for things getting better :) whether you need to go through professional help or not :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


yes it's always a horrible feeling to lose a friend. whether you've known them for a few months or a few years. But then, for whatever reason, they're out of you're life and you realize how horrible they were for you, it's a great feeling. to know that you're in a way, free. free from future bullcrap or pain or anything negative they might have brought your way. So just have hope that you'll find those friends who will be there for you always :)

Monday, July 1, 2013


In Honor of  the pride parade being yesterday, and June being pride moth. I wanted to say to have hope that things will get better. Not everyone is going to be hateful towards you. You will find acceptance and love. So never change who you are and just be true to yourself. You're beautiful.